Market Intelligence from New Zealand – 2021

By Pohlen Partners

Our network has been pragmatic in its focus on moving forward in a bold way.

Employment intentions are high, new roles continue to be introduced to meet refreshed strategic plans and market movement has increased.  People across functions have been expressing interest in changing positions, and the demand for contract resource has grown sharply from 2020.

Commentary in the media on talent availability is worth mentioning – there are shortages that are sector sensitive, real and constraining businesses.  There are also abundances, more people than positions available.

Our perspective is –  

Talent shortages exist at any level in any function where employers complain they can’t find people with desired skills and experience at exactly the remuneration they’d like to pay.

Candidate Strategies –

  • Review your career to date with an audit
  • Evaluate long term goals, make a career plan
  • Invest energy in securing a new opportunity that presents advancement
  • Consider location, flexible and remote working
  • Engage in training or gain employer support to develop your skills

Talent abundances are also prevalent. For many positions we have significant interest, greater volumes of candidates and employing companies have exceptional choice of talent to add capability to their teams.

Candidate strategies in addition to the above –

  • Tailor your applications, highlight alignment
  • Engage with your network
  • Communicate clearly with impact
  • Create presence through CV’s, social media profile and interviews
  • Research and prepare thoroughly
  • Acknowledge the market and stand out

Information and resources to assist your career development are on our website.

In summary, Career Management continues to be important.

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