By Ballisager, Arbora’s partner in Denmark
LinkedIn is increasingly becoming indispensable for a variety of jobs, and not just white-collar jobs. As a job seeker, you can’t really do without LinkedIn. There are around 740 million profiles on LinkedIn and over 55 million registered companies. The number of employers who use LinkedIn as a recruitment channel is rapidly increasing. We have gathered 9 great pieces of advice on how to get the most out of your LinkedIn presence.
We have gathered our best advice on how to use LinkedIn to your advantage as a jobseeker.
- BE ACTIVE – BUT EXERCISE CARE Consider carefully your activity on LinkedIn. What you like or comment on matters. Remember that your likes and comments ideally should create value for your network – every time.
- DEMONSTRATE YOUR PROFESSIONALISM Upload slides, product portfolios or other material via, make professional status updates or participate in professional discussions in groups. Show, don’t tell!
- POLISH AND PERFECT YOUR PROFILE When someone looks at your profile, make sure your profile is orderly and leaves a competent impression. Think about presenting a professional image and strong competencies when writing your “title” and your professional experience.
- LET YOUR SUMMARY POINT TO THE FUTURE Tell the world about your vision for the future – not about your past. Your Summary must inspire readers, while reciting your experience should just be for reference.
- COLLECT INFORMATION Follow companies and relevant professional groups. Seek out professionals with the same background as you and gain inspiration, for example, to seek positions in other professional fields.
- USE LINKEDIN TO ARRANGE COFFEE MEETINGS Coffee meetings can be an excellent way to learn about an industry or increase your network. Many companies are willing to accept coffee meetings, if the person in question has been recommended by someone in their own network. So write directly to a member using InMail and invite them to a coffee meeting. Be precise about your motivation and tell the recipient what they will get out of it.
- FIND JOBS ON LINKEDIN The number of companies that use LinkedIn as a recruitment channel is rising. Click directly in the LinkedIn search field and then select the Jobs icon to find jobs.
- MAINTAIN YOUR LINKEDIN NETWORK – INCLUDING WHEN YOU ARE EMPLOYED At all times ensure that you maintain your network in LinkedIn, regardless of whether you are employed or not. You must be active and help others in your network, even though you do not need concrete help yourself at the moment. This will make you more legitimate when you use your network the next time YOU NEED help.
- DRESS TO IMPRESS: Ensure that your digital presence is impressive. Make a personal video, write a blog or provide perspectives on previous projects.
Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash